for Anja Zeidler's Recognitions Census collage
(left to right, top to bottom)
1. Hieronymus Bosch, 'Christ Carrying the Cross.'
2. (Han) Han van Meegeren: "And that boy you knew there that you spent so much time with. (Esther)/- Han? I didn't pend a lot of time with him." (Wyatt) (R, 93). Possibly refering to the Dutch forger Han van Meegeren.
3. (Anselm) Saint Anselm of Canterbury: "What's his name, Anselm"? (Mrs Bildow) (R, 103).
4. Ollala, Eulalia de Merida: "the defaced stone figure of a Spanish saint, Olalla" (R, 25), "Olalla watching, noseless, from her niche, the hand upraised" (R, 26).
5. (Camilla) White Goddess: "For Wyatt Camilla […] is the idealized figure Graves calls the White Goddess," (Steven Moore, 1989, 27)
6. (little girl in white stockings) Saint Maria Goretti: the gril in white stockings is based on the life of Saint Maria Goretti. (Steven Moore, see Annotations 16.12.).
7. (Willie) William Gaddis: "your friend Willie […] writing for a rather small audience, isn't he." (R, 372-3)
8. Detail from Bosch's 'Garden of Earthly Delights.'
9. (Ernie) Ernest Hemingway: "Is that really Ernest Hemingway over there? […] that big guy, he needs a shave, see?" (R, 306)
10. (Max) Anatole Broyard: the model for Max, more or less (see Steven Moore, "Sheri Martinelli: A Modernist Muse."
11. (Recktall Brown) Mephistopheles, "The black poodle bounded away. […] Looking for its master probably" (R, 135), who is Recktall Brown, associated with Mephistopheles from the scene of Goethe's Faust, Part One, closely echoing this one.
12. Detail from Bosch's "Seven Deadly Sins" Tabletop: "A large low table appeared under the window in the dining room" (R, 25).
13. (Wyatt) Walker Evans: Gaddis once said that he imagined Wyatt to look like Walker Evans.
14. (Rev. Gwyon) Robert Graves: Gaddis once told Steven Moore that Robert Graves was the physical model for Rev. Gwyon.
15. (Rev. Gwyon, porter) Valerian: "Wyatt associates Valerian with his father (405.6-10, 421.18), Valerian is later associated by Ludy (and perhaps by Wyatt as well) with the porter at the Real Monasterio (896.1 ff.)". (Steven Moore, see Annotations 74.40).
16. (Esme) Senta [Lisbeth Balslev as Senta in the 1973 production of The Flying Dutchman in Bayreuth]: “…the duet with Senta, is that it? […] ‘Might such an angel come my soul to save,’” [Valentine] (R, 551).
17. (Esme) Marie Bashkirtseff: "that Russian girl […] She painted. She died too [like la noyée de la Seine, whom Herschel associates with Esme], you know" (Herschel) (R, 177).
18. (Critic in green wool shirt) Mozart: "A few years before, someone who had seen one rather unfortunate print of Mozart (it was in profile, the frontispiece in a bound score of the Jupiter Symphony printed in Vienna), and soon after looked at the profile of the man now standing stoop-shouldered across the room in an open-collar green wool shirt, remarked that he looked (for all the world) like Mozart." (R, 574)
19. (Basil Valentine) Basilius Valentinus: "Now I remember your name, Basil Valentine, the alchemist who watched pigs grow fat on food containing stibium, wasn't it …" (Wyatt) (R, 384).
20. (Wyatt) Jan Hus: "John Huss […] that 'pale thin man in mean attire,' (R, 32) like Wyatt, "that pale thin man standing in the park" (R, 220).
21. Hieronymus Bosch, "The Hay Wain."
22. (Esme) Sheri Martinelli: "Esme, […] in almost every respect she is Sheri Martinelli" (Steven Moore, "Sheri Martinelli: A Modernist Muse").
23. (Esme) Noyée de la Seine: "the girl on the couch [Esme]? Looking just too like la noyée de la Seine, that touching death mask they made from the face of some nameless child" (Herschel) (R, 177).
24. (Wyatt) Faust: "The dog stretched its forelegs […] He turned and they stared at each other, the man and the dog" (R, 137), the man being Wyatt, who is thus associated with Faust in this scene echoing a similar from Goethe's Faust, Part One.
25. (Wyatt) the Flying Dutchman [Simon Esthes as Flying Dutchman in the 1973 production of The Flying Dutchman in Bayreuth]: “’Might such an angel come, my soul to save,’ your Flying Ducthman sings, eh?” [Valentine] (R, 551).
26. (Town Carpenter) Wenceslaus: "King Wenceslaus in that story bore striking resemblance to the Town Carpenter." (R, 37)